In short, he epitomized the tremendous qualities of the British civil service - undoubted ability coupled with unstinting hard work and independent judgement.
However with his playing flair and undoubted natural ability it was inevitable that international recognition would soon come.
Miss Briggs, upon whom they were to rely so greatly, proved to be a woman of tremendous energy and undoubted ability.
Guidi was squint-eyed, humpbacked, and of a delicate constitution, but possessed undoubted literary ability.
And, some argue, he owes much to an undoubted ability to nurture close ties with his sponsors.
He was noted for his philanthropy and for his undoubted ability to turn a dollar.
His undoubted abilities no doubt helped offset most of the residual prejudice he may otherwise have met.
At a very young age Bakenga was spotted, his rise to the first team is testament to his undoubted ability to score goals.
His father obviously didn't appreciate his son's undoubted abilities.
Your program of instructing has been kept light in order that you might make use of your undoubted ability.