In any case, even in legal limbo, Proposition 187 appears already to be having some effect on California's huge undocumented immigrant population.
"It's a complicated question because of the undocumented population."
About one-sixth of the undocumented population - about 2.0 million people - is under 18 years of age.
Some people who used fake identity papers - a huge portion of the undocumented population - would be disqualified.
In particular, we cannot focus on the undocumented population explicitly".
There are slightly more than 1.4 million undocumented Asians, 12 percent of the total undocumented population.
Speculation exists that reported sightings may be an undocumented population of white sturgeon.
Ms. Tenner said the growing undocumented population will likely cause problems related to overcrowding for the area as a whole, especially the residential areas.
"Congress will be back in 5 to 10 years to deal with another large undocumented population."
Though no precise data on the undocumented immigrant population is available, estimates in 2009 suggest that 70% are from either Mexico or Central America.