He rose and looked at his wife with undisguised admiration.
He just walked up to the bars and watched with undisguised admiration.
Tess was looking at him in undisguised admiration, a half smile on her face.
She sighed, and looked at him with undisguised admiration.
To his surprise he found that Tim was looking at him with undisguised admiration.
For a moment, he just stood there, gazing at Serenity in undisguised admiration.
The boxer romped down the drive after me as I was leaving and the old man looked at him with undisguised admiration.
Clive told him, looking at Grandpa with undisguised admiration.
The Stadtholder looked up at him with undisguised admiration.
"You're a wonderful fellow, Carter," murmured the inspector, with undisguised admiration.