The fact remains that there are few undiscovered places, especially where investors can look forward to annual percentage returns in the upper teens, he says.
"Though it's the oldest colony in North America, it's an undiscovered new place where you have to build your culture from the ground up."
Leto blinked at him, thinking: , on the other hand, feel that words are mostly useful if they open for me a glimpse of attractive and undiscovered places.
Also, as with most undiscovered places, it won't put too big a hole in your pocket even for a fortnight.
We may go from this place undiscovered and mounted, all else willing.
Ms. Kerrigan added: "It's an undiscovered place full of character.
Well," persisted the shepherd, "in a fairy country such as ours, every undiscovered place is likely to harbor wicked creatures.
Her hobby is exploring small, undiscovered places and she often takes Fu and her friends on lengthy trips.
"This was the last undiscovered place at the Jersey Shore," said Richard Stokes, a Philadelphia architect who has worked on preserving Wildwood's quirky past.
It voices a sentimental longing for a yet undiscovered place where peace of mind and true happiness can be found.