One foot was snagged above her head, the other twisted under her in a most undignified position.
While he had me in such an undignified position, he tied my ankles with the rest of the cord.
It was an undignified position: flat on his back, legs spread, arms outstretched.
Samia's lower jaw dropped, but she rescued it from its undignified position almost immediately.
The next morning, Ms. Thomas was found dead of heart failure, still in the same undignified position.
He was, as Ramage had planned, in an uncomfortable and undignified position.
But, too quickly for her, Bob whirled again, though this time, by a severe effort, she saved herself from the undignified position against his neck.
I am surprised that the priorities do not include the undignified position of women and the failure to guarantee their rights.
"This is a damned undignified position for an advanced lifeform," she muttered.
How is it that I find you in this undignified position with my daughter?