Self-renewal, which is the ability to go through numerous cycles of cell division while still maintaining its undifferentiated state.
Cytokine leukemia inhibitory factors are associated with the maintenance of mouse ESCs in an undifferentiated state.
It is closely tied to the "feminine", and represents the undifferentiated state of the pre-Mirror Stage infant.
Then her own will seemed to melt, and she was returned to the undifferentiated state in which they had both spent the past nine years.
Neuroblastoma is one of the few human malignancies known to demonstrate spontaneous regression from an undifferentiated state to a completely benign cellular appearance.
These genes essentially maintain the stem cells in an undifferentiated state.
Adult stem cells remain in an undifferentiated state throughout adult life.
Both have the essential stem cell characteristics, yet they require very different environments in order to maintain an undifferentiated state.
It was simply all possible things, simultaneously existing in both their differentiated and undifferentiated states.
They continue her struggle between naturalism and expressionism, between a need to differentiate and a need to present everything in an undifferentiated, gestural state.