Small flying bugs of undetermined species hopscotched over my skin as the dying light from the west slowly filtered into grayer, darker shades.
B. sungii is an Asian species that is linked to an undetermined species of Cordyceps.
S. canescens as described by Blume is an undetermined species.
S. floccosum is an undetermined species.
One Palaeoloxodon population of undetermined species is thought to have survived in northern China until 3,000 years ago.
The excavation uncovered a new dinosaur bone bed predominated by the remains of an undetermined species of Pachyrhinosaurus.
(meaning undetermined species) for robust iguanodontian remains from Barremian-age rocks of Europe.
Extrapulmonary or disseminated mycobacterial infection (acid-fast bacilli of undetermined species).
Haiti - At least three undetermined species.
Teeth of undetermined species may have been H. ergaster.