Neighbor joining has the undesirable feature that it often assigns negative lengths to some of the branches.
There are other undesirable features of the Bush and McCain plans.
Finally, the proposed new county legislation incorporates some undesirable features of the state law.
The case seemed to have undesirable features, and we decided not to handle it.
Computer hardware and software is said to be bug compatible if it exactly replicates even an undesirable feature of a previous version.
He knew this was considered an undesirable feature.
An undesirable feature of the chip is its well-known tendency to destroy itself though overheating.
Students are prone to explain undesirable features of a system in terms of its most salient characteristics.
Shot traps are undesirable features in armored vehicle design.
The main disadvantage is that, under Vasicek's model, it is theoretically possible for the interest rate to become negative, an undesirable feature.