The reverie has a Clear at its end-drugs and hypnotism have dependency on the auditor and many other undesirable aspects.
During sexual contact, some people can use their fantasies to "turn off" undesirable aspects of an act.
Those undesirable aspects of appearance and temperament are called faults.
Those who try to address immigration's undesirable aspects are quick to back down once words like "racist" and "xenophobe" enter the mix.
He believed he had inactivated what he considered the undesirable aspects of that material, but he had not.
In New York, the worshipers at the sabha seem torn between pride in their heritage and a desire to shed its undesirable aspects.
The undesirable aspects of the cathedral hull are greater weight and cost, pounding in rough water, and a boxy appearance.
I assure you, Mr. La Forge, it is not the only undesirable aspect.
I'm afraid a great need of money blinded us at first to some undesirable aspects of the matter.
"But there may be some undesirable aspects, like biting people."