That divine help, that grace, is a favour, a free and undeserved gift from God which helps us to respond to his invitation to enter relationship.
But to love her for her vices is a real gift, unearned and undeserved.
Finally, by adopting the view that the President's record is a known quantity that requires only limited scrutiny, you give Mr. Bush an enormous, undeserved gift.
Once again one had, so it seemed to the child, remained alive through your mercy and bore one's life henceforth as an undeserved gift from you.
I have counted all the life I have held since as pure profit, an undeserved gift.
But the language of community, family, citizenship, at its core, is about receiving undeserved gifts.
But it would provide a nifty and undeserved gift for investors whose assets have appreciated over time.
On crisis days, and those days were crisis days, her presence in our home was an undeserved gift from the parenting gods.
The beauty was superfluous, a generous gift pressed down and running over, unasked, undeserved.
He also felt more grateful than ever for the undeserved gift of his own sensible daughter.