But two difficulties face the would-be excavator in Alexandria: lack of space for excavation and the underwater location of some areas of interest.
The region contains a large proportion of marine routes and the games' first underwater locations.
Its relatively deep underwater location provided sufficient protection from both natural and human disturbances to allow for a more detailed study on the position of dolia on board this Roman merchant ship.
Because underwater archeological sites usually have some connection with sites on land, Team Atlantis is not restricted to only underwater locations.
These pastimes have helped him to provide content for some of his earlier novels, which are often set in underground or underwater locations.
The game takes place in 14 diverse underwater locations, ranging from the Bermuda Triangle to Antarctica.
There are also underwater locations accessible only by submarine; for example, a sunken Shinra plane transporter.
Sonar transponders operate under water and are used to measure distance and form the basis of underwater location marking, position tracking and navigation.
The sound they made neutralised the engine noises and also made the boat immune from Asdic underwater location.
New tilesets, including pirate caves and underwater location "Fiddler's Green".