During the period 1961 to 1966, Victa Ltd. undertook production of the all-metal Airtourer, building both 100hp and 115hp models.
In addition to various repairs of wagons, coaches, cranes and tower cars, and locomotives, Jamalpur also undertakes repair and production of permanent-way fixtures.
But sometimes a single individual feels moved to undertake production of a sacred text, bringing his or her powers of creativity to bear on its language.
There are also countries undertaking small-scale production, such as Australia and strong growth in Brazil.
The answer was to provide research and development money as matching Federal grants for companies that undertake flat-panel display research and production, the same Administration official said.
It soon became apparent that the Depot would be unable to obtain and maintain an adequate supply of the latest data unless it undertook production of charts from its own surveys.
After this, they undertook the writing and production and the second album for Virgin Records artist Kavana while relocating to Italy.
(Having seen this production Robert Donat asked Drake to undertake the casting and production of his forthcoming post-war season in management at the Aldwych Theatre).
SIAT had not undertaken much production of the type before the firm was acquired by MBB in 1970.
The company is in the process of tying up with a global technology partner to undertake local production of sub-assemblies in a progressive manner.