This stage was introduced in many protocols as it was found that many people were too quick to undertake potentially dangerous interventions, such as abdominal thrusts, for items which could have been dislodged without intervention.
From 1997, FMA streamlined its services and programmes - in both the traditional and New Media - and undertook "strategic interventions" in campaigns for the right to information and right to communicate.
The municipality of São Bernardo do Campo also has broad experience in slum rehabilitation, having undertaken civil works and related interventions in 62 slums, benefiting approximately 18,000 households.
It aims to focus on and influence the multiple determinants of health (economic, social, behavioural and biological) and to undertake and evaluate multi-sectoral interventions to positively influence those determinants.
While not usually providing long-term or continuing care, emergency medicine physicians diagnose a variety of illnesses and undertake acute interventions to resuscitate and stabilize patients.
The group visited inmates at a local prison and undertook legal interventions on their behalf.
The Benevolent Organisation for Development, Health and Insight is a Non-Governmental Organisation that undertakes sustainable interventions to promote human rights, education, and health amongst disadvantaged people in low-income countries.
The NEC also has undertaken repeated interventions before the NRC, in 1977 and 1987, to challenge increases in the amount of nuclear waste stored at VY.
As cities around the world descend into disorder, the United States may have to step up training local militaries to undertake armed interventions.
In undertaking interventions, IMS seeks to fulfill a catalyst function and to prepare the ground for longer-term media development.