He undertook an expedition that came to last three years.
This expedition, undertaken with very inadequate funds, quickly came to an end, and they had to get home again by walking.
This and the second campaign had been the costliest military expedition ever undertaken.
Only a madman would have undertaken such an expedition in the rains.
Cunningham also undertook an expedition to what is now Canberra in 1824.
Shortly after his return he undertook a similar expedition against the Algerines.
And I'm not stupid enough to undertake an expedition of this nature entirely alone' Well, anyone could see that.
He didn't undertake an expedition to help us win the war; he ran away.
Meanwhile, John undertook an expedition to Ireland in 1185, which was not a success.
At this time he made plans to pursue a lifelong dream, to undertake a scientific expedition to the interior of Africa.