Moreover, it is a real-estate solution to a problem perhaps best understood not solely in real-estate terms.
Such networks, scientists argue, behave in ways that can't be understood solely in terms of their component parts.
This negation must be understood solely to affect a creative Deity.
If a piece does not carry enough information to be understood solely from print editions of the Guardian, then add the missing details.
Therefore, distress is understood not solely in intrapsychic terms but in the context of an oppressive environment that psychologises and individualises distress.
This complexity of Torah is related to the complexity of the Jewish tradition, it cannot be understood solely within the Western concept of a religion.
However, the nature of the state's action cannot be understood solely by reference to what happens outside the state.
This often includes the view that systems somehow function as wholes and that their functioning cannot be fully understood solely in terms of their component parts.
The gap between our behavior, including the culture we create, and that of our cousins, the great apes, is to be understood solely in terms of these physical differences.
To the economy, Cooley presented a divergent view from the norm, stating that "...even economic institutions could [not] be understood solely as a result of impersonal market forces."