When I changed my mind and decided to stay in New York, my wife was understandably furious.
Mr. Anderson is understandably furious: he was actually kidnapped in Lebanon and kept in chains for nearly seven years by Hezbollah thugs.
Some 58,000 Californians who brought home trinkets from foreign travels last year are understandably furious at learning, after the fact, that they owe a 6.5 percent use tax.
Capitol record company executives were understandably furious, and the single was immediately pulled from the market.
German taxpayers, who were assured when the euro was launched that such aid would be illegal, are understandably furious.
Barsauma took advantage of this, and showed the letter to King Peroz, who was understandably furious.
Thamarai was understandably furious when she recovered from her coma to find that not only had Selvi married her husband, but also gave birth to his daughter, Kaveri.
Wilkerson was understandably furious.
Don Carlos was understandably furious.
New York's taxicab owners are understandably furious at the city's attempt to impose new regulations.