They were all understandably curious, hovering here on the edge of destruction and having just made history.
The locals become understandably curious about just who Darryl Van Horne is.
These people, understandably curious about who had been firing an automatic weapon in their little town in the dead of night, presented no real problem for Ginelli.
"You are understandably curious," says Father Farrell.
"I don't," Chakotay replied, though he was understandably curious.
He was understandably curious; he had never seen her before and he must want to know what kind of woman Sato was about to marry.
The hotel lobby was a gantlet: reporters, television cameramen, autograph seekers, World Cup officials, security guards and understandably curious guests.
He moved with the utmost caution, although he was understandably curious about what it was that he was going to find.
Japan having only recently become visible to any degree in the West, people were understandably curious.
The latter had been understandably curious about why he had need for such a tremendous amount of money, but had turned it over to him all the same.