Upon arrest or detainment, these rights must be explained in clear and understandable language.
This was also to raise awareness and to simplify the legal text into more understandable language.
Make certain that it is written in an understandable language which makes the company's policies accessible.
As they put it, "In order to be able to get emotions across, music does not always require understandable language."
He believed that scientists owed it to the public to explain their work in understandable language.
As soon he starts talking in an understandable language, Otalp requests a story from him.
The text will then be drafted in an unambiguous and understandable language which is clear to the consumer.
She sings a song of grief and sorrow in an understandable language, telling an old story.
We put concepts into understandable language so that everyone can see how investments work.
The meaning of the test results in explicit, understandable language.