This may have been merely rationalization, but it does indicate the understandable fear that Iraqi refugees will bring their sectarian war with them.
There is understandable fear among participants that a room may end up looking like a giant women's-magazine crafts project gone wrong.
This was not childish apprehension but an understandable fear that Indians might soon be invading the city.
This is due to two causes: the voluntary nature of the game, and the understandable fear of player injury.
Fear of terrorism - a quite understandable fear after 9/11 - has led to harsh departures from normal legal practice at home.
Many people are reluctant to do so, partly out of an understandable fear, but also by a dread of embarrassment.
We understood these to mean understandable fear of being publicly involved in "flake" science.
This seemed evidence of their understandable fear that many in the audience had no idea of what was going on.
There is some understandable fear that these legislators will continue parroting their leaders and produce little more than a later budget deadline.
This enormous pessimism has led our populations to express perfectly understandable fears.