I now appreciate an attribute of stimulants that researchers have long understood: their ability to induce tolerance.
He understood and relished his ability to achieve change.
Today, I fully understand my ability to see and feel things that are not of this physical world.
He holds a personal grudge against the Doctor and understands his ability to protect the world from this menace.
He has healed others before, but does not fully understand his ability.
Understanding their ability to see beyond a one-dimensional horror does not diminish the slaves' suffering.
Moose has done prison time for using a real bomb to help students understand "humankind's ability to resist the lure of destructive technology."
But understanding the borrower's ability to successfully run a business was just as important as analyzing the numbers.
The swiftness, severity, and certainty of punishment are the key elements in understanding a law's ability to control human behavior.
I don't even understand your ability to sense its approach.