The company is firmly opposed to discounting on the grounds that it undermines standards.
According to education specialists, the new measures would undermine educational standards and deepen social inequalities.
Asked if cost cutting had undermined standards at Daily Star we were treated to gushing tribute to the "fantastic product" that the readers "can't get enough of".
The idea that the nation's chief executive is pressing so hard to undermine basic standards of justice is shocking.
By 1980, he had become its artistic director, but resigned after a season in which, he said, "commercial interests undermined artistic standards."
It serves no one to suggest that accommodating a learning disability undermines academic standards.
Contrary to many critics, he argued that the MAI would help prevent a "race to the bottom" that would undermine high standards of Canadian regulation.
We do not want to see legislation on the environment that undermines higher standards in those Member States that choose to have them.
The intensive efforts of the Member States to fulfil the Maastricht criteria are currently leading to a massive rise in unemployment and undermining social standards.
It can easily seep outward, undermining academic standards and corrupting behavior in the university as a whole.