Further criticisms include that it undermines political institutions and the rule of law, and is a corrupt (but not always illegal) practice.
I think we'll have to accept it, even though there could be great problems - Communists have a long tradition of undermining democratic institutions from minority positions.
When financial stress undermines existing financial institutions engaged in mortgage finance it can be difficult and take time to recreate that capacity.
So crime is not only undermining new institutions, like stock exchanges, it is also raising prices, which include extortion and security costs.
Zimbabwe (since 2003 for undermining democratic institutions)
Belarus (since 2006 for undermining democratic institutions)
He and others said the courses had a political purpose, to undermine Western institutions.
He also opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq, expressing concern that the American approach of "pre-emptive strikes" would create new problems and undermine multilateral institutions.
Unemployment, continual poverty and rampant corruption were severely undermining institutions all around.
We will never, under any circumstances, give succour to those who seek to use force to undermine legitimate democratic institutions.