Official corruption in Mexico undermines significant cooperation with the United States, according to the State Department's annual drug report.
But inherent in the possibility of a tax war, Mr. Jepsen said, is the likelihood that it would undermine cooperation among the states.
Union officials bitterly oppose this proposal, saying it would pit teachers against one another and undermine cooperation.
The study, appearing today in the journal Science, suggests that groups with few rules attract many exploitative people who quickly undermine cooperation.
Even worse, this competition is undermining recent cooperation between the US, Russia, and Europe.
Similarly the presence of a negative sanctioning system might undermine voluntary cooperation.
Critics of the state's plan say aggressive enforcement could scare businesses off in a struggling economy and undermine cooperation on current cleanup programs.
It also encourages the excesses of Abu Ghraib, undermines international cooperation in fighting terrorism and provides a boon to terrorist recruiters.
The obsession with security undermines cooperation and leads to an 'anything goes' internal policy: from nuclear fusion to reliance on biofuels.
We are not exactly taken with this idea, which is likely to undermine cooperation and make decision-making in the Union more difficult.