According to Templeton's research, perceived differences in races are more related to cultural perceptions and biases than any underlying genetic reality.
A supervenient property is one which is actual, but is secondary to some underlying reality.
But a union must reflect an underlying economic reality, with political institutions that can relate voting to taxing and spending, and borrowing to repaying.
What you call space and time are merely emergent properties of a deeper underlying reality.
Although the legal ownership has been transferred to the bank, the underlying economic reality for the company remain the same.
But though the lobbyists, public relations gurus and consumer lenders can change the laws, that won't change the underlying economic reality - or pay the bills.
Regularity of phenomena is due to an underlying physical reality.
But the report underscores some underlying realities of modern higher education.
Often, psychological elements were introduced in his work, which suggested an underlying unconscious reality.
We need to examine more closely the underlying national realities in order to distinguish, over and above financial convergence criteria, three great criteria for divergence.