Our project questions the validity of that approach and its underlying concepts and aims to see what kind of picture emerges when its emphasis is reversed.
The interface and its underlying concepts made Windows Phone something different from iOS or Android.
In this sense, IPC is the greatest underlying concept in the low-level design considerations of a distributed operating system.
A large number of observable variables can be aggregated in a model to represent an underlying concept, making it easier to understand the data.
No wonder he was so easily able to master the fundamental and underlying concepts of mindality in the Q Continuum.
Although the traditions of the Holy Chalice and the Holy Grail seem irreconcilable, there is an underlying concept.
Hope for new life for Napster sprang from Bertelsmann, whose former chief executive, Thomas Middelhoff, championed the music-swapping service and its underlying concept, so-called peer-to-peer software.
However, this fact does not mean that all its underlying concepts need to be revised.
Although it is instrumental, there is an underlying concept through the album: how Argentina, historically a country of immigrants, became a country of emigrants during the economic crisis of 2001.
Archimedes' principle is an important and underlying concept in the field of fluid mechanics.