Will I be able to underline passages that capture my fancy?
He underlined passages about hot flushes and stress.
A cigarette dangled from one hand; with the other, she was underlining passages in the textbook.
Thumbing through the pages, she saw where he had taken copious notes in the margins, underlining and highlighting passages that were of interest.
You can make notes on it, underline key passages or record your opinion at the specific point where it applies.
And underline passages, and quote it to people?
But I will re-read the play afterward, underlining key passages and the important stage directions and then write.
When I had finished I started again and reread every word, underlining and marking especially magnificent passages.
It's like reading a great poem that has been annotated with brightly underlined passages and enthusiastic marginal notes.
Fascinated by what he read, particularly by the essay on King Lear, he underlined passages and added comments in the margins.