He is an acknowledged international authority on the neural systems underlying learning, memory and motivation especially in relation to drug addiction.
Many scholars argue that fluid intelligence, that is the general mechanisms underlying learning, problem solving, and the handling of novelty, depends on these processes.
The patterns of connections among the isolated cells may be a working model of the kind of neural networks that are thought to underlie learning and memory.
LTP is one of the major cellular mechanisms that are widely considered to underlie learning and memory.
His work, broadly situated within the area of consciousness research, has focused on the nature of the processes underlying incidental (or implicit, or unconscious) learning.
N-cadherins are believed to be involved in mediating LTP and the synaptic changes underlying learning and memory.
Many of the same structures and chemical processes that seem to underlie learning and memory in the brain are present in the lower nervous system as well, scientists point out.
This hypothesis that synaptic plasticity is an important part of the neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory is now widely accepted.
In ways that are not completely understood, calcium induces changes that seem to underlie learning and memory in individual neurons.
Though Pavlov's physiology has been abandoned, classical conditioning is extensively used in modern studies of the neural structures and functions that underlie learning and memory.