His spearmen moved forward at a trot, spears held waist high in an underhand grip.
The reverse grip and underhand grip, is the opposite of the overhand grip.
The mixed grip is a combination of the overhand and underhand grips with one hand in each position.
The underhand grip enables the hand to tighten the loose hair of the bow, allowing very fine control of the instrument's timbre.
Gama came to his feet, holding the knife in a low underhand grip.
Holding the wooden dagger in an underhand grip, he walked briskly to the cave through the undergrowth of knee-high mushrooms.
The reverse or underhand grip is permitted.
With the underhand grip, there are several different techniques employed which involve slight variations in finger positioning and usage.
Right hand The bow is held with an underhand grip.
Jim spun round, the knife held instinctively in the underhand defensive grip, and stared at the little yellow man who sat on a rock watching them.