Once and for all, the Deliambrens hoped to surveyall of Alanda, or this continent, anyway, to locate mineral resources, underground watercourses, and ancient ruins, as well as mapping the surface accurately.
They constantly seek for underground watercourses.
The country is one of the most water-rich in Europe, with a dense river network, a rich aquifer system, and significant karstic underground watercourses.
Winter rains drain through the soil into fissures in the strata of limestone bedrock, and flow through underground watercourses into the Adriatic.
They pointed over the Jeeps toward vegetation lining an underground watercourse; then cut a long burst loose.
Where this underground watercourse came forth from the hillside there was a water-gate.
It is an active river cave, through which flows the largest known underground watercourse in Venezuela.
Intermittent drainage, underground watercourses and vast cave systems are features of the karst.
In ancient Peru, the Nazca people employed a system of interconnected wells and an underground watercourse known as puquios.
Elsewhere, rainwater permeates the limestone bedrock to form underground watercourses that resurface near the coast.