The underground tuber often produces offsets, which can be removed and grown on.
Like all members of the genus, Ophrys scolopax grows from underground tubers.
Yacon, although an underground tuber, is also used as a fruit.
These terrestrial orchids are only above ground during spring and early summer, usually with a single leaf, growing up from two underground tubers.
Summer growth is typically prodigious, particularly in plants older than one year - due in part to its large underground tuber.
They have a large underground tuber, thin and inconspicuous stems.
It usually grows to around 20 inches and from an underground tuber.
This species is a fleshy dioecious herb growing from an underground tuber.
Some orchids have underground tubers, which are swollen roots used by plants for storing food.
The plant's large underground tuber distinguishes it from other Apios species.