Spetaea lachenaliiflora grows from underground bulbs which have a leathery dark brown outer tunic.
Namophila urotepala grows from an underground bulb, which has a dark brown papery tunic.
Massonia grows from underground bulbs whose outer tunic is pale brown and papery or leathery.
Plants die back to an underground bulb during winter and should not be disturbed at this time.
Crinum latifolium is a herb that arises from an underground bulb.
The plant reproduces asexually by sprouting from its underground bulb; this may be a factor in its limited distribution.
In cold regions, chives die back to the underground bulbs in winter, with the new leaves appearing in early spring.
Pseudoprospero firmifolium grows from an underground bulb whose tunic has dry, paper-like outer layers.
The underground bulb is 1-2 cm diameter, with a fibrous outer layer.
Oxalis violacea emerges in early spring from an underground bulb, and grows to an average height of approximately 7 inches.