The part-time staff are mostly made up of undergrad students.
Deviant Behavior is a textbook intended for undergrad students.
Indeed, lets assume economics is a really hard degree, so there's no time for our undergrad student to go out and enjoy yourself anyway (as if).
The group met while undergrad students at Mount Allison University, in Sackville.
During 1991, a renovated church retirement home was turned into Maclean House, a dorm for undergrad students at the University of Chicago.
Kelly is in graduate school at Iowa and Joann is an undergrad student.
My undergrad students will say, 'Oh, cool, electric guitar.'
When Parker was an undergrad student at Purdue University he studied Business Management.
The undergrad students have their Annual Seminar-Workshop at college with experts and experienced guest speakers.
She was an undergrad student in sociology, psychology, and criminal science.