Sadasivan was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and underwent surgical removal of a malignant tumour in 2008.
Also, town districts and other places (e.g. cemeteries) that are subject of undergoing renovation or removal can be used for gathering materials as stone, concrete, or potassium.
Infection In women who have undergone removal of lymph nodes, there is an increased risk of infection in the affected area.
The elements most typically undergoing selective removal are zinc, aluminium, iron, cobalt, chromium, and others.
In 2010, 759 was among the several steam locomotives in Steamtown's collection to undergo removal of her asbestos insulation.
The site is undergoing investigation and removal of the nuclear facilities and cleanup of the soil and groundwater.
Nor was it clear yesterday how many of the 838 city-owned bridges were undergoing lead-paint removal as part of their maintenance.
In my case (which was complicated by the fact that I have insulin-dependent diabetes), I underwent a mastectomy and removal of two cancerous lymph nodes.
Many buildings constructed in the 1950s and 1960s are undergoing repair or removal of such balcony structures at considerable cost.
It occurs in an estimated 15 to 25 percent of people who undergo surgical removal of the adrenal glands for Cushing disease.