It's all very unfortunate for girls with alopecia or those undergoing chemo, but where do you stop?
She underwent surgery and chemo twice; both times, the cancer came back.
Just 20% of women with ovarian cancer are cured meaning the illness never comes back after undergoing surgery and chemo.
You're undergoing chemo with all the ghastly side effects... heart-thumpingly fearful that your death is fairly imminent...
"My thing is to get ahead of the change," says Crisci, who is still undergoing chemo after being diagnosed with stage I breast cancer in February.
I think most people undergoing chemo secretly believe they won't lose their hair.
In a 2007 study that followed advanced cancer patients who exercised while undergoing chemo, the participants were asked to keep diaries.
Holmgren stuck with her rides all summer while she was undergoing chemo.
"My husband was undergoing chemo while we were shooting, and we had people who were H.I.V. positive in the crew," she says.
Many people undergoing chemo find that their appetites suffer.