Many of them are undergoing long separations because of the fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.
How could he command his friend to undergo such an ordeal simply because of some vague suspicions regarding Seven?
Oral history is also undergoing something of a renaissance because of the opening up of the former Soviet-bloc countries.
Women face a slightly greater risk in undergoing a tubal ligation because of the use of general anesthesia.
Those divestitures would further reshape an industry already undergoing a broad transformation because of the low price of oil.
Israel's economy is expected to undergo a growth spurt because of the peace settlement with the Palestinians.
In 2012-2013, at the start of the season, Samarin underwent an eye surgery because of a detached retina.
He has required them to undergo formal conversion to Judaism, however, because of their long interruption from the people.
The paper underwent a hiatus in 1995 because of lack of funds for publication.
Langdon's high school underwent a name change because of surrounding schools closing.