They commissioned an undercover video of many of Britain's biggest livestock markets, including Banbury, to back up their case.
The group filmed over 72 hours of undercover video at Martin Creek Kennels, which included footage of dogs being shot.
Animal Aid produces campaign reports, leaflets and factfiles, as well as educational and undercover videos.
Part of the evidence included an undercover video of a Gambino soldier visiting the store.
That's difficult to do, since so many stories are so well known, and they lack vivid undercover video and inadvertently comic characters to augment them.
The Humane Society has many examples of undercover videos that this bill is meant to prevent.
The cruelty charges stem from an undercover video that reportedly showed sick cattle being moved by crews using forklifts.
In 2005, an undercover video purportedly showed cruel treatment of animals in an OU-certified slaughterhouse.
Following the lawsuit, which was based on an undercover video, Cal-Cruz is no longer in operation, and the former owner may no longer work with animals.
In Utah and Arizona, the recording of undercover videos showing farming practices.