Apocrine sweat contains many chemicals, including the acidic substances that produce the characteristic underarm odor.
A calcium-magnesium combination seems to help me fall asleep at night and, I am delighted to say, eliminates underarm odors.
Some scientists believe that long ago, underarm odor helped attract humans to their mates [source: Feldman].
Today, there's a vast and sometimes confusing array of products and home remedies to fight underarm odor.
The phenomenon got its colorful moniker when the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins suggested that humans would most likely compare underarm odors.
Scientists have identified the chemicals that produce underarm odor, they reported at a meeting here today.
At that time, however, researchers did not try to link the chemical to underarm odor.
Preti holds a small strip of clear material under my nose, saturated with 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid, the principal ingredient in underarm odor.
The National Institutes of Health gives him $150,000 a year to support his primary research, the study of underarm odors.
If several different formulations of antiperspirants cause a reaction, the answer may be a deodorant, basically an antiseptic intended to reduce underarm odor.