Even if he lived, Girolamo Scalese wasn't going to be propositioning underage kids for quite some time.
And, if the old boy can't keep his pants zipped, he needs to be doing something else not with underage kids.
"I've never had an underage kid not argue with me before."
"I'm not talking about the ones underage kids use to drink."
They have one of the best setups for underage kids in the county with numerous county titles been won underage.
It was easy for underage kids to get into clubs.
Tell that to the mama of the underage kid Dekker seduced out there.
In one segment we followed with hidden cameras underage kids who, as part of a study, agreed to try to buy cigarettes.
It's very clear from this that the laws against selling to underage kids are not being enforced.
"They're trying to reach underage kids," she said.