Later on he continued to Medina and studied under other prominent scholars, returning to North Africa in 191 AH.
All seventeen of its instructors have degrees from Islamic universities and/or have studied for many years around the globe under renowned shayoukh and scholars.
Has he studied under leading Islamic scholars?
Ummaru started studying the Qur'an at a very early age, he later traveled far and studied under several scholars, including Dan Fodio.
Brown has had a long academic career at many renowned institutions and has studied under other notable scholars in his field.
In 1644 he embarked on the Hajj to Mecca and spent several years in Arabia learning under various pious scholars.
In Edinburgh Robert Darwin had studied under several leading scholars, including John Walker.
After reciting the Qur'an at his father's shop and receiving criticism for it, he sought to perfect his work and studied vigorously under several well-known scholars.
Thena has a gifted intellect, and has studied under the greatest Eternal and human scholars throughout her lifetime.
In his learning days he had studied under scholars of the Stoic school.