Last month, for example, NBC placed all ad sales, including television, under its digital chief, Beth Comstock.
The saving grace here was very much played down: that instead of being taxed, every man at his command had to muster armed under his chief.
Babirwa moved from Nareng under their chief, Tshukudu, to the Blauwberg area in the former Transvaal.
That hyperbole was to tell you that we will not place ourselves under your chief of staff.
There are other changes in procedure, devised under the transit police's new chief, William Bratton, who took over last summer.
It also represents the most tangible evidence yet of big changes at Apple under its new chief, Michael Spindler.
However, a significant share of the Army's victories was under August's very able chief of staff, Lieutenant Colonel von Dannenberg.
During the same month, the Fallujah police force began major offensive operations under their new chief.
Under their legendary chief, Lowao, the Wagenia built villages on both sides of the falls and the small islands in between.
Great Tellico rose to prominence in early 18th century under its chief, Moytoy.