Those ancient people sought to possess the Earth also, to enslave it under concrete.
You had people risking their lives by crawling under heavy concrete.
They had to be transported from the plant in lead-lined coffins and buried under thick concrete.
Nor does he have much to say about how city dwellers might engage with any land that hasn't been sealed under asphalt or concrete.
Hillman then murdered his second wife, Patricia and buried her under concrete at a housing development he owned.
One alternative is to destroy the area and the towns that are in it, putting millions of acres under concrete.
He effectively went underground for many years - under concrete.
And, the indoor pool, hidden under concrete in recent years, has been completely restored.
If we can't get a better price, we'll do like farmers around the big cities do - stick it under concrete.
Burying vast acreages under solid concrete is not my idea of the best way to protect soil.