Drawing boards around the region are filled with multibillion-dollar ideas, including a rail tunnel from Lower Manhattan to Brooklyn and a freight-train tunnel under New York Harbor.
There is also the decades-old plan for a freight tunnel under New York Harbor from New Jersey to Brooklyn.
It also ventured into some new areas, from a freight tunnel under New York Harbor to tens of millions of dollars for new reading and computer programs in the schools.
Proposals for new rail tunnels under New York Harbor are already under consideration.
Construction of the new sewer lines involved slant drilling through bedrock under New Haven Harbor.
As envisioned, the tunnel would run from Jersey City under New York Harbor to Bay Ridge in Brooklyn.
To the Editor: Your March 13 editorial supporting a rail link under New York Harbor does not mention its drawbacks.
At that moment, she was under New York Harbor in the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel, driving directly toward the World Trade Center.
Governors Island might not be a bad spot for also contemplating a rail-freight tunnel under New York Harbor, an idea that has been around since the 1920's.
Some ideas are new, many are recycled and one, a rail-freight tunnel under New York Harbor, is older than the mayor himself.