He was undeniably handsome, with black hair and piercing, gold-flecked brown eyes.
The Strategos was young, though, triumphant, celebrated, an undeniably handsome man.
Wide hazel eyes looked out over a square jaw and an undeniably handsome face.
I did not think her pretty, but she was undeniably handsome.
They are an undeniably handsome couple and catching them in the act makes you feel a bit like a peeping Tom.
The show is full of undeniably handsome new Richters, 38 in all, hot off the assembly line.
The woman who sat behind it was a bit stout but undeniably handsome.
What with his clear skin, thick black hair and lustrous eyes he was undeniably handsome: almost to an excess.
Now a smile crept onto his undeniably handsome features.
The prince was a tall lithe man, young and undeniably handsome.