She was his instructor, and her methods, however punishing, had been undeniably effective.
Hormones have long been prescribed to relieve symptoms of menopause like hot flashes and night sweats, for which they are undeniably effective.
In peacetime, carriers are undeniably effective as symbols of power when dispatched to unruly regions.
They had fought the French using tactics which, although undeniably effective, differed strikingly from the more traditional methods employed by the British army.
For more than a decade, the sanctions were undeniably effective in punishing Vietnam.
Those odds were more even now: experience was a harsh schoolmaster, but an undeniably effective one.
I am stiff undecided as to whether Lieutenant Suffix's action was bold or reckless, but it was undeniably effective.
But the Orange was just another victim of Boston College's aesthetically unappealing but undeniably effective style.
Regis growled, not appreciating Entreri's macabre, but undeniably effective, methods.
Whilst it was not pretty, it was undeniably effective.