An even older but, unfortunately, undated document, is the so called Rateče or Klagenfurt Manuscript, one of the oldest written documents in the Slovene language.
In the early 12th century, Uersfeld (Urnesfeld) had its first documentary mention in an undated document.
There exists an unsigned and undated document that was supposedly written shortly after the Báb's trial in Tabriz where the Báb recants his claims to a divine station.
From an undated document entitled "The student and the Master"
As stated currently on its website, undated documents say that the existence of Israel as a Jewish state is a core value of The Koffler.
They found mathematical errors, the whiting-out of evaluators' comments and unsigned and undated documents.
This undated and unsigned document, by a person who professes to have been present, is not, perhaps, very accurate in dates.
It is mentioned in an undated medieval document.
Freedom for Universities by Antony Flew, The Freedom Association (undated document).
The story concentrated on an undated document purporting to be a transcript of a conversation between McGuinness and an MI6 agent circa 1990.