She can wear fabulous necklaces of uncut stones and still understand existentialism.
Miss Gordimer knows how to shape a diamond from an uncut stone.
De Beers itself sells only rough diamonds, and controls two-thirds of the $8 billion market in uncut stones.
"Diamonds," said the Mouse, holding out a small bag filled with dull, uncut stones.
Something was needed to start it, so I purchased these uncut stones from Traal.
He wants to make a deal with Kreld, to turn those uncut stones into finished gems for the market.
The walls, in fact, appeared to be natural uncut stone; he could see no seams or mortar.
Built of local, uncut stones, the temporary cairns served as a way to mentally and physically sketch in the bigger project.
Some thieves try to get away with uncut stones because they're less recognizable.
He had a necklet of uncut, polished stones set in gold about his neck.