The down has a typical chalk downland wildlife on the uncultivated areas (generally the southern and eastern slopes).
But the irregularities were the same that one would expect to see in any uncultivated area and there was nothing in sight that looked suspicious.
The name comes from the village that arose in the early 1900s in the uncultivated area between Villapizzone and Ghisolfa.
It can quickly colonize both cultivated and uncultivated areas and it has become naturalized in eastern China.
Wherever estates adjoined uncultivated areas, the community took to vigorous assarting.
Elephants and lions roamed the uncultivated areas.
A wide hatch had swung open at the end of the one uncultivated area on the whole planet - its space facility.
The overcrowded civilians were bitter because of the great uncultivated area the Survey needed for storage and possible emergency use.
Out in the uncultivated areas, however, Martian life still flourishes.
These are annual or perennial plants, growing in tufts on weedy and uncultivated areas.