During the 1950s and 1960s, she sometimes made uncredited contributions to Wood's artwork.
Her uncredited contribution is very droll.
Jardine recently revealed that Dennis Wilson made an uncredited contribution to the song's lush string arrangement.
The screenplay was written by Albert Mannheimer with uncredited contributions from Kanin.
During song composition, Bonnet made his vocal melodies though it was uncredited contributions.
The show was conceived, staged and choreographed by Bob Fosse (who also made significant but uncredited contributions to the book).
Their uncredited contribution was a lengthy slapstick camping sequence that had little to do with the plot that preceded it.
He is said to have had uncredited contributions to "Ramblin Man" and "Jessica" and was part of the recording.
Florey made a significant but uncredited contribution to the script of the 1931 version of Frankenstein.
Robert Towne and Beatty provided uncredited contributions to the script; Beatty also produced the film.