Perfect vision of the deity, perceptible in its uncreated light, is the 'mystery of the eighth day'.
This is also referred to as experiencing the uncreated light of God as was seen by the apostles at Mount Tabor.
Thus this uncreated light is often referred to as the light of Tabor of Christ's Transfiguration.
Soar to uncreated light.
Somehow, this uncreated light is both air and rock and self.
Saint Ambrose is supposed to have been seen surrounded by the uncreated light more than once.
Tejas is associated with the digestive fire, passion, intuition and the uncreated light of consciousness (Prakasa).
Another way to describe Śiva tattva is Prakasa - the uncreated light.
A few accounts of encounters with the uncreated light, by Yogananda :
Barlaam viewed this doctrine of "uncreated light" to be polytheistic because as it postulated two eternal substances, a visible and an invisible God.