Lossky as a metaphysical libertarian taught that all people have uncreated energy (Aristotle) or potential (Plotinus).
In Palamite theology, it is the uncreated energies of God that illumine the Hesychast who has been vouchsafed an experience of the Uncreated Light.
For the Eastern Orthodox the knowledge or noesis of the uncreated energies is usually linked to apophatism.
God's energies as uncreated and indestructible.
The activities of the mind or consciousness as uncreated energies.
Faith here being defined as intuitive truth, meaning as a gift from God, faith is one of God's uncreated energies (Grace too is another of God's uncreated energies).
Therefore in Eastern Christianity, unlike in Western Christianity (see Actus et potentia), God's essence or incomprehensibility is distinguished from his uncreated energies.
Theosis as such is the goal, it is the purpose of life, and it is considered achievable only through a synergy (or cooperation) between humans' activities and God's uncreated energies (or operations).
For these opponents, Fortescue claims, an uncreated energy really distinct from God's essence would be either "something neither God nor creature" or a second God.
It is considered achievable only through a synergy (or cooperation) between humans' activities and God's uncreated energies (or operations).